Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What the heck's wrong with us?

It's fricken freezing outside! Seriously! We're burning tons of fuel, our mechanical and other stuff is not working well, we're uncomfortably cold and moisture is being sucked from our skin and lungs, and some people are dying because they can't find suitable shelter. I guess in the past I didn't consider it too far out there, but having recently returned from a tropical place that was 60 (70-80 if you count wind chill and humidex) kelvins warmer than here, it really makes me wonder what the heck we as a people are doing living in this sort of climate. Brian Keating can say "we're a northern people!" with as much enthusiasm as he likes, but I'm not on that bus.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Malaysia and Malta general impressions

Scenery - KK has tropical rainforest. Malta has stone. Which do you think suits me more?

Culture - KK is asian. Malta is european. Which do you think suits me more? Malaysia is officially a muslim country, but in Sabah at least it doesn't seem to be so dominant. And in general, it's probably "milder" islam... people don't seem too cold, people seem to get along pretty well. Malta is quite catholic, but I didn't really notice that too much either, except in the presence of many grand churches. In KK, (not sure if this is "culture") I saw some things that were interesting, things that made me think a bit and question some stuff.

Food - KK is asian, Malta is european. Which do you think suits me more? Wow, I had so much nasi goreng and mee goreng, there actually was a chance that I'd get tired of it sometime. But it was still so good. Usually satay chicken to go along with it. Seafood's good I suppose, but I'm not as into it. And there are other restaurants. In Malta, it seemed mostly italian food, which can be good, but too often is tomato based. Somehow I never saw and tried the national specialty, Rabbit soup.

People - Seemed so much easier to meet people in KK than in Malta. I think part of that is simply that there were so many more people you could meet, while Malta seemed pretty empty. Have to admit, I was probably more interested in meeting people in KK than in Malta, being hte racist bastard that I am. I think somehow in KK people were more interested in meeting me too, which felt nice.

Driving - Driving in malaysia was surprisingly organized. There were lanes that people actually drove in, and stopped at traffic lights. In Malta, driving was different still, roads were just all over the place and often quite narrow. In roundabouts it was effective disorder, everyone seemed to just make their way around wherever they fit in, and it worked well. Much less negativity than there would be in a similar situation here. Oh, and as expected, when I returned home to calgary, I headed straight to the driver's seat when someone picked me up from the airport

Crew - The people I worked with in Malta were fairly fun, but it still seemed like a group of individuals. In KK, it really felt like a team. Other people seemed to think so too, even though they'd been to locations they liked more, they said that this job and the people seemed really good and it was among their best experiences. Of course, people could just be saying those things

Ok guess that's it for now. Compiling some photos.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I was watching a movie on the plane, but my battery was already low. Finally it switched itself to standby to conserve power. But it was still not enough, and in the evening I found it had run out of power and died. When I turned it back on, I discovered it had changed itself to Japanese! Still lots of stuff is english, but built in stuff like all the "thinkvantage" functionality and connecting to wireless networks and stuff is all japanese. It's kindof fun, I'm gonna leave it. Just annoying that backslash has become the yen symbol in windows explorer.

Another quality Air Canada experience

Got in the plane and sat down, first thing you notice is there are no in-seat screens. I'd think pretty much all aircraft used for international flights would have those by now, but I guess not for Air Canada. Later, discovered the armrest audio system thing wasn't working, so even though they did show movies on the few hang-down monitors, you couldn't listen to them anyways. At least they gave us a complaint card to fill out and we can get a few aeroplan miles or something. Anyways, back to the beginning, after sitting down of course the head rest thing is in my back cause I'm tall, so I try to raise it. Now the head rest is in my hands, instead of being attached to the seat. Other passengers notice and are amused. After I struggle a bit, I get an attendant to come fix it for me. At least the flight attendants were pretty nice, which isn't always the case.

The main thing that's really been pissing me off about flying is that I can't believe babies are still allowed on these flights. Or at least allowed in the same areas as everyone else. I'm getting really tired of having to listen to babies screaming for several hours when it's already uncomfortable enough for anyone over 5' tall or who dislikes enclosed spaces or sitting still for long periods of time. Anyways I realy think they should have one isolated area for all the babies and drunks and obese people and anyone else who makes the experience way more unpleasant for the hundreds of other people on board.

Funky cold M'dina

Went to M'dina as my last evening in Malta, with my coworker. It was really neat there. Not much in particular to do or to look at, but it was still cool being there. An old stone city, narrow stone 'roads' (sometimes I could touch both walls at the same time). Very tall stone walls towering above. No wood or greenery. It was very quiet when we were there, so often the only sounds were our footsteps on the stone ground. Really felt like being in a movie or something. Felt like I should be carrying a sword. No armour though, the sound would have ruined things.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Forgot to mention, just before I left malaysia I realized I'm gonna circumnavigate the world for the first time on this work rotation! Pretty neat!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Missed Stewardess

Discovered after the fact that my flight out of KK was served by one of the same flight attendants as my flight into KK! (The one I talked to obviously) So disappointed that we didn't find that out beforehand or see each other on the flight! Would have been neat to see her again (what were the chances?), and maybe even have had someone to hang out with in Singapore during the day.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Driving in Malta

I'm not renting a car, but some others who are staying longer are. We decided to go explore yesterday. It was pretty crazy! Almost immediately we went down a road wide enough for one car that was a dead end and we had to get out of there. We spent lots of time using the roundabouts to do u-turns. People park facing the same direction on both sides of the roads even though it is a two-way road, which gets pretty confusing. Roads aren't named/marked. We tried to find the Hypogeum whatever the heck that is (turned into a big joke), but the sign pointed one way, then we u-turned to see a sign pointing back where we'd just been, which didn't make sense. We found some old-looking churchy building and took a bunch of photos, it might have been something important, but it might have been absolutely nothing. Wandered around an old graveyard. Got into the centre of Valletta and ditched the car to walk aimlessly for a few hours, was cool to see old architecture and super-thick (30 ft?) fortified walls from war times and bombed out buildings. Apparently Malta has lots of history especially involving wars. After returning to the car, had no idea how to get out, ended up following a garbage truck for a long time! (another big joke) Then all over the place again trying to find the way back to the hotel. Meanwhile guys putting on stupid italian accents to make fun of both europeans and americans. (no the people here are not italians, but it kindof feels that way). It was pretty good. Oh, and the whole time, the car was a piece of crap, really jerky even in mid-RPMs and the centre console kept popping open!

Overall I felt some 'culture shock' coming to Malta though...

Emirates Flight

Already I was impressed some time ago when I found air canada gave you full control of what movie/tv you watched, let you start and pause and resume and skip whenever, etc. But now that's old news. I'm sure many do that now. Emirates does, except they've got over 500 movies/tv channels/radios to choose from. And it's well organized and fast (AirCanada is kindof annoyingly laid out and slow). Pretty sweet.

I listened to UK #1 hits from different years for a while. How amused I was when I changed to 1986 and heard "hold a chicken in the air, stick a deck chair up your nose..." I bet none of you have a clue what I'm talking about! (C, ask S, he might). Crazy brits.

Oh back in Singapore, was bored and tired during the day, didn't feel like doing much so just walked around. But it felt nice to be in a more modernized country surrounded by chinese again. In the evening got together with an old friend, that was great. I was annoyed at first that she was going to delay/cut short time with me to go do a church thing instead, but that ended up not happening.

Taman Kinabalu

Wanted to go to Mt. Kinabalu the whole time, in fact I wanted to ascend it but as mentioned previously, realised that wasn't going to happen. Joined a group tour to Mt. Kinabalu Park and Poring Hot Springs. But I ended up the only one of the group to actually go, so it was just me and the driver. At the hot springs/canopy walk I was behind some Japanese, so I decided to break out my japanese and start talking to them. Yeah, just a few words, but it was still good. Better than talking to noone. And at least I know much more Japanese than Malaysian. After moving to the kinabalu park, it started raining heavily so we couldn't really walk around trails, too bad. And it was thick clouds all day so I couldn't even really see the mountain.

Borneo Jungle Adventre

Reflectors are deployed in various locations as control points for the radar data. One was at the end of a couple hour hike through the jungle, so I decided to join Mustafa on the collection run. It was awesome! First, spent a long time on old forestry roads where there's no chance you'd make it without 4wd and a lot of clearance. Even drove through a couple rivers. Started the hike, immediately had to wade across a river. Then follow the not-too distinct path. Check the GPS on the rare occasion when the canopy was clear enough to get a position, to see if we were actually getting closer, and what general direction to go (with compass). Had to turn around once cause we seemed to be on the wrong path. The trail seemed to disappear eventually, and then it started getting interesting! Trying to find our way through the forest in the general direction of the reflector, trying to find the path of least resistance, walking across fallen-tree bridges, going up and down steep hills, having to hold and swing between trees to pull ourselves up or lower ourselves down, being careful not to grab a rotten tree or a spikey one. It was pretty cool! At least, it was as long as you didn't think much about having relatively little equipment (no first aid), being low on water, finding minor red stains or dribbles on yourself, or weird unexplainable yellow slime. After over three hours, we were still > 1km from the reflector, and had started at 2.8km, and decided we better turn around. After some more climbing and sliding and scratching we came across the original path and then it was smooth sailing. Back at the car, ditched our stuff then went back and submerged ourselves in the river! Felt sooo good, so refreshing! And while I took off some clothes, everything was so thoroughly soaked from sweat, submerging it in water wasn't going to make it any more wet, probably just make it smell nicer!

Monsopiad village

A cultural village, get to watch some traditional dancing of various local tribes, then they invite you to participate. Noone was going up, but we convinced a coworker to go, then I decided to join him so he wasn't the only one. Sure it's embarrassing, but at the same time, who cares! Later, saw some more stuff, got to try some games like slingshots and blow-darts and stilt walking. I especially liked the day cause my local friend is Kadazan background (native Sabah).

Lok Kawi

A wildlife park, like a zoo. Not too spectacular really, but was quite nice to be away from the city, and it's always cool to see some animals like orangutans. Went with my local friend from our business partner. On the way back to town, watched an awesome sunset from the beach.


There are several islands near KK, and a few of us took a boat to see some. First Mamutik, then Sapi, then Manukan. Took a trail around Mamutik, encountered a bigass monitor lizard on the trail! Then did snorkelling, it wasn't great but it was good. There was a big crowd from a local university on the island for a field trip or something. Next island we had gotten some dried bread as fish food so the fish were going crazy around us. But not too much coral or other stuff to see. Third island barely had any time, didn't see much, though it's the largest and most visited island and probably would have been cool to wander about more. In the end, got some back sunburn as sortof expected, but oh well.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Sabah complete

Finished work yesterday! (though we didn't know it until today for sure that yesterday's work got accepted). Sabah's all done. This project went really well, very smoothly and completed ahead of schedule.

So now everyone's slowly going to disappear over the next several days. Kindof sad cause this was quite a good group we had here. Especially happening over christmas and new years, the coworkers become your friends and family.

Now it's just wrapping things up, some closing tasks. And things like taking photos of the group in some of our typical activities, like eating lots of great food for cheap at the street stalls market area across the street from the hotel. Missed a great opportunity at breakfast this morning. Many of them I will see again in different locations and circumstances, but I think Sabah will remain a highlight. Some of the others have considered it their best time in some years of work. Some I may not see again.

The plane is now undergoing a few days of phase inspection then a few days of moving to Malta. I have to "hand off" to the incoming person, meaning I have to go to Malta for just a couple of days. At least for the interim I can remain here and finally do a bit of fun touristy stuff, rather than just work everyday. Haven't even been out of the city up to this point. Should be fun.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Medical strategies

Had some physical ailment, nothing too serious. Tried to let my body deal with it, I don't like reaching for drugs at the first sign of trouble. But it didn't go away after some days, so I went to the clinic. Dr#1 looked at symptoms and decided to give me drugs. Then, if those didn't work, I could come back and do some lab tests to see what the problem was. Well, those didn't work, so some days later I returned to the clinic. Dr#2 decided we should do the lab tests, but the lab was closed so I should come back early the next day. Next day, Dr#3 decided that lab tests take too long, so he would just give me an injection and different drugs. Well, that seems to have done the trick almost immediately. But overall this didn't seem like the best sequence of treatment.

I think my preferred course would be at the beginning, get the drugs but also do the lab test concurrently. Then if the lab tests said it was something else and the current drugs would be ineffective, then I could stop and go get the correct ones. Next time I will try to be more assertive.

Friday, January 04, 2008

What happens in asia stays in asia.

What, you think I'm gonna elaborate on that? Kindof defeats the point! heh heh

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Field manager's wife headed home today, and as I mentioned she really brightens everyone's day.

Shortly after she headed off to the airport, the skies started crying.

And by the time the field manager arrived back at the hotel, the christmas tree was gone.

Tonight I went to a club again for a short time. I became quite amused as I realised the filipino band was singing "play that funky music white boy" to a malaysian audience.

Couple days ago I got to sit in the copilot seat for a little while, including landing. Was kindof nervous on approach actually, seeing the ground rushing towards you from in front is much different than seeing it sideways out the window. Probably will get to sit in the copilot seat for the whole flight if I want to for the next little while actually.