Borneo Jungle Adventre
Reflectors are deployed in various locations as control points for the radar data. One was at the end of a couple hour hike through the jungle, so I decided to join Mustafa on the collection run. It was awesome! First, spent a long time on old forestry roads where there's no chance you'd make it without 4wd and a lot of clearance. Even drove through a couple rivers. Started the hike, immediately had to wade across a river. Then follow the not-too distinct path. Check the GPS on the rare occasion when the canopy was clear enough to get a position, to see if we were actually getting closer, and what general direction to go (with compass). Had to turn around once cause we seemed to be on the wrong path. The trail seemed to disappear eventually, and then it started getting interesting! Trying to find our way through the forest in the general direction of the reflector, trying to find the path of least resistance, walking across fallen-tree bridges, going up and down steep hills, having to hold and swing between trees to pull ourselves up or lower ourselves down, being careful not to grab a rotten tree or a spikey one. It was pretty cool! At least, it was as long as you didn't think much about having relatively little equipment (no first aid), being low on water, finding minor red stains or dribbles on yourself, or weird unexplainable yellow slime. After over three hours, we were still > 1km from the reflector, and had started at 2.8km, and decided we better turn around. After some more climbing and sliding and scratching we came across the original path and then it was smooth sailing. Back at the car, ditched our stuff then went back and submerged ourselves in the river! Felt sooo good, so refreshing! And while I took off some clothes, everything was so thoroughly soaked from sweat, submerging it in water wasn't going to make it any more wet, probably just make it smell nicer!
Congrats on being done work and having fun traveling around and getting into crazy adventures. Reminds me of Africa and hiking through forests and coming up w/ forest leeches crawling up your body, or being bitten by ants, not to mention the mosquito bites etc. Lots of fun!
Actually the crazy-hot in jungle did remind me of ghana (mt afadjato?), but without the nice trail.
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