Friday, January 11, 2008

Sabah complete

Finished work yesterday! (though we didn't know it until today for sure that yesterday's work got accepted). Sabah's all done. This project went really well, very smoothly and completed ahead of schedule.

So now everyone's slowly going to disappear over the next several days. Kindof sad cause this was quite a good group we had here. Especially happening over christmas and new years, the coworkers become your friends and family.

Now it's just wrapping things up, some closing tasks. And things like taking photos of the group in some of our typical activities, like eating lots of great food for cheap at the street stalls market area across the street from the hotel. Missed a great opportunity at breakfast this morning. Many of them I will see again in different locations and circumstances, but I think Sabah will remain a highlight. Some of the others have considered it their best time in some years of work. Some I may not see again.

The plane is now undergoing a few days of phase inspection then a few days of moving to Malta. I have to "hand off" to the incoming person, meaning I have to go to Malta for just a couple of days. At least for the interim I can remain here and finally do a bit of fun touristy stuff, rather than just work everyday. Haven't even been out of the city up to this point. Should be fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you gonna hang out in SE Asia till your next job starts?

12:34 p.m.  
Blogger ninjashowdown said...

Malta is not in SE asia. Maybe could have intermap buy me a ticket to asia instead of to canada but probably will just go home.

4:46 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh for some reason i thought you were in malaysia

12:41 p.m.  
Blogger ninjashowdown said...

As in my last paragraph, I am in malaysia, but moving to Malta in a few days for a couple days of work before my rotation's done and I'm free to go home (or wherever)

2:22 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i sort of didn't read the last paragraph. I want to go to Malta! last time I got as far as sicily and couldn't get a ferry in time to get to malta.

12:16 p.m.  

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