Six months
Time goes by.
Time goes bye.
Drove along glenmore where it dips down to go under elbow drive and macleod... The walls by the road have large fish designs on them. I wonder what people stuck in that area as it got flooded in the mega rain storm thought of that.
Just discovered a cousin's wedding is on the same weekend as kelowna dragonboat festival. I've been to it every year I've been in dragonboat, and I love it every time, it's a pretty big deal for me. But a wedding's pretty important too, even if it's not one of your closest cousins.
In the back yard. It's been so long since I've sat by a fire (outdoors). Years. Kindof weird to notice things that were so normal have now become so rare and uncommon. Heard a few fireworks go off. Canada day next weekend. US independence day right after that... used to sometimes be in the US camping during that time, a couple years we were in Walla Walla. I remembered something I did back then... regarding a girl I liked. I used to be so lame back then. I guess I still am, but not as much. The difference being I know it now. I think that's the main problem, is not being lame or stupid or whatever, but knowing that you are. Though perhaps at that point, the issue becomes to just accept it and not care. Lisa, the point of moby dick is: be yourself.
Wore shorts to work today. Pushing the 'casual friday' concept. I don't know if anyone cares. I don't. Exciting, huh?
Just saw this and had to post it:
Had this very distinct image in my mind tonight, but couldn't figure out where it was from. Something to do with moving forwards (eg. x direction), then flipping upside down (eg. rotate about x-axis), then continuing the flip to be right side up again. Something fairly difficult to do for beginners. Seemed to think it was something to do with swimming. But why would I rotate upside down then continue rotating after some point? It's not that flippy-turn thing some people do at the end. So, maybe it was something I'd seen on TV or in a video game. Maybe needed to rotate a jet or spacecraft upside down to go through something, then continue? No, not that. But it had to be something where you (or the object) has more width/length than height. So you'd be lying on your stomach maybe. If you were standing up it wouldn't make sense... unless you ran forwards onto a spear that impaled you through the belly, then rotated about it to stand on your hands, then continue rotating to be right side up as you run off the other end (handle) of the spear. (That was an awesome image!) Finally figured it out... it's from surfing! I think for passing through a wave as you're lying on the board swimming out into the ocean. Anyways, once I realised it, it makes me want to go try surfing again (not to try that manoeuver, just to stand and surf).
Shaw came and looked at our modem, confirmed it was dead, and gave us a new one. that's right, gave (as in free), even though it was a purchased modem not a rented one that died. Shaw continues to tower over the competition when it comes to service.
Dragonboat steering again went pretty well. Jay was coaching and made me go under the Moyie's docking bridge, which actually wasn't bad. One of Jay's main tips was that I need to be louder. I'm probably the only person Jay can actually say that to! Like last week, in bed at night again I felt like I was still rocking in the boat. Discovered I had an orange sticky star on the top of my foot, don't know how that got there.
Another great city chase day. Though I think it wasn't quite as fun as last year. But we performed better!
besides the cable modem...
That was one of the nastiest storms I've seen. I was out, trying to go to dragonboat practice (stupid huh?) but eventually headed home as the roads were flooding and I wasn't going to make it anyways. Got my car washed by a fire truck zooming through foot-deep water. The semi-flooded intersections seemed to be starting to drain already on my way back, but traffic was backing up even more. Got home, and my parents were downstairs, and called up to ask if I had had my desktop on. I hadn't. I went downstairs and discovered it was on. Apparently my dad had gone down to check that my laptop was unplugged since there'd been some big nearby strikes (it was). While he was downstairs, there was one so bright and loud he figured it hit an alley telephone post, or perhaps a tree across the alley. He thought he saw sparks from something in the room, but it might have been a reflection. Meanwhile, upstairs my mom had jumped out of her chair with the startling bang, and found herself listening to a couple little battery-operated music box things on the shelf that had turned themselves on. I guess the vibration had rattled it enough for the contacts to hit? She went downstairs to join my dad, and a moment later they heard a beep, and discovered that my desktop computer had just turned itself on. How creepy is that? I got home a minute after that while they were still downstairs, received the question, and went downstairs to see what was up. So we unplugged it all, and went back upstairs. Only to discover my dad's super-old stereo had turned itself on since I had gone downstairs. It was really weird. We also discovered the phones were dead. It reminded me of some kind of scary movie. Anyways, nothing else turned itself on, and eventually the storm passed.
After dragonboat sunday, laying in bed, I could still feel the sway of the boat, it was neat. The same as if you've been on rides at the stampede during the day, or jumping on a trampoline, and still feel those once you're lying in bed at night.
We all know that pirates wear eye patches. But apparently it's not because pirates all have a certain clumsiness when it comes to sharp pointy things and their eyes. It's actually for night vision. Be in a bright place and go somewhere dark quickly, and you're blind for a couple minutes. If one eye is covered by a patch and the rods are fresh, go somewhere dark and slide the patch across to reveal your 'dark' eye, and see just fine. Cool, huh?
Entranced by Iz's ukelele version of somewhere over the rainbow (I still remember first hearing it in 2002, at the HR Macmillan Space Centre in Vancouver after watching some short educational spacey film, just sat there and listened the whole song through, and didn't hear it again for years), and watching again the scrubs wizard of oz episode, I realised though I know many elements of the story that everyone knows, I'd never actually read the book, or seen the film. So this evening, out in the warm evening air, I read it cover to cover. Quite pleasant. Anyone want to watch the film with me?
... you are invited to a home-warming party. Yes, even if you stumbled across this blog by accident (though you won't know the details). Probably on or shortly after the canada day long weekend. Details will come sometime in the future.