Tuesday, June 12, 2007

City Chase

Another great city chase day. Though I think it wasn't quite as fun as last year. But we performed better!

The scavenger hunt items seemed less difficult. One took us quite near my office, so I grabbed/produced a few more items from the office. As we left a couple officemates were arriving, wondering what the heck we were doing! After getting the clue sheet, we solved a few and called sheldon for some more info. We tried to go to an old fire station, but it was the wrong place. So we did the next closest thing... the calgary tower. Yup, start the day with 802 stairs. I like it, I wish I could do that more often, make it part of a daily exercise routine or something. Went over to mewata armouries, but it looked and sounded like there was a big lineup, and that was our downfall last year, so we just ditched it. Did the little trivia task at GAP adventures in kensington, then hopped a train to university to drop off another puzzle sheet and read some lines to a play. Felt sorry for the person manning the booth, was only one there, and then although we were the first in the room, the several teams who were also on the train came right behind, and she was kindof overwhelmed, trying to mark trivia and listen to people. I'm sure people cheated and said they read the lines even if they didn't. Actually I think in general the event didn't have enough volunteers this year. Headed back downtown, and decided to stay on the train to do some putting golf and blackjack at stampede casino. We won easily and quick (if only it was like that with real money). Jogged to talisman since it was nearby, made our 5 shots from the 3-point line (took a little while, and apparently I was the only one to wear sunglasses doing it) and were on our way again. Back into downtown via victoria park c-train, but just missed a whitehorn train. So we changed our plan of which points to hit, and did some little rafting on the elbow river by fort calgary, and then did some frisbee on St Georges island (instead of some bowling and climbing in the NE which I know Jay had been looking forward to). Continued across the island to bridgeland c-train, where it was a fair wait before the train came to take us to our one final destination, rundle community centre. Everyone was tired by this point, didn't see many people running anymore. Searched an area for the rubber ducky with our number, walked back to the train, waited a long time, and took it back downtown to cross the finish line at eau claire.

Overall, the events seemed less challenging, less time consuming and perhaps less creative than last year. And undermanned as I mentioned. Seemed to have mostly big-name sponsors who just wanted to have a banner at the start finish line, not the smaller sponsors who gave you free stuff like Propel vitamin water stations at a few challenges which had been quite good last year.

Although we were seemed more disorganized at the beginning, we finished in much less time and completed all 10 challenges this year. Mostly because of not waiting at mewata, but also cause the challenges were generally quicker. Hung out with Carol/Simon and Ellen/Bonnie at the finish line. Saw Jason in a tuxedo, then Nam, and discovered Nam was getting married that day. Congrats! Had dinner with Sheldon, Jay, and Carol. Up until that point I was still feeling pretty good, but after eating, I was suddenly super-exhausted. Went home, showered, and collapsed into a chair and stared at the TV for an hour. After that I was pretty good again. And it was still so early in the evening, wanted to do something but don't know who I can call up. Went for a walk cause I still wanted a jugo juice. Discovered my body was still capable of jogging if I wanted it to, which surprised me. Back home, think I'll go to bed now even though it's still pretty early.

Other funny/silly stuff: Debating with Jay over the weather (rain/lack of rain). Carol trying to bug us about flirting. And, me leaving the tags on my shirt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flirting? Hehehe must have been a reference to the kissing thing at Ceili's.

I had a great time at the Chase this year, more because of the socializing and teamwork aspect then anything else. Yeah was disappointed in the Chasepoints, we wished we could have made it to the Crux. The results are up and so are the pics. I think there's one of Jay in the Calgary Tower....


The other half of We Must Be Crazy Again.

8:48 a.m.  
Blogger ninjashowdown said...

Actually, someone created rumours about me supposedly flirting last year. This year it was about all the girls talking to Jay :)

Yup I think that's him in the Tower.

I noticed that our team name was not spoken or written once throughout the entire day. It's kindof like, what's the point.

1:46 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops... oh yeah I remember. I did notice that. ;-)

7:15 p.m.  

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