Friday, June 22, 2007


Wore shorts to work today. Pushing the 'casual friday' concept. I don't know if anyone cares. I don't. Exciting, huh?

Put in my application for another position at intermap that I decided I want. But it's more electrical than geo, so we'll see what happens. Actually, response is fast and danger. It said "I would kill to have two or three with your experience for other positions in the Calgary offices..." I guess that's flattering. But, it also kindof sounds like "no" for the job I was applying to.

Got some good stuff lined up for the weekend... I came across "Multiplication Rap" (a "Rock 'n' Learn" production) on DVD at the library, that should be awesome. The cover has a picture of a white dude with a backwards baseball cap, and a black kid, so you know it's gonna be good.

Also took out "The Zen of Oz", spiritual lessons from over the rainbow. I thought it might be the same author as "The Tao of Pooh" and "The Te of Piglet". But it's not.


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