Femininity follow-up
What do you think, have I changed since the PersonalDNA test threatened my masculinity? Overcompensated perhaps? At least I haven't gone and bought an SUV. I'm talking about this "Jay's Journal".
What do you think, have I changed since the PersonalDNA test threatened my masculinity? Overcompensated perhaps? At least I haven't gone and bought an SUV. I'm talking about this "Jay's Journal".
Got the response from JET today. I'm an alternative, meaning that if some of the people they want turn them down, I might get in. They say I'll know by the end of september.
Just went and saw Gilbert and Sullivan's Trial by Jury and HMS Pinafore, performed by Morpheus Theatre at the Pumphouse. It was great! An amateur group, in a relatively small theatre, so not like a major broadway production, but still a good performance and a great show. A little disappointing that I was by myself. But, some big luck, as I picked up my tickets I mentioned "don't suppose I can refund one!" and of course they said not really, but then they thought a moment and offered to hold it for a while and I should see them at the break. Guess they realised it would be a sold out show. Then just as I started walking away, there was an old guy who wanted just one ticket, so they let me sell it directly to him. He paid full price, even though I told him it wasn't necessary. But it was good for him too cause the seats I had picked up were excellent, a few rows back (which is better than being too close and too low) and dead centre. That was lucky too, started browsing for tickets not too far in advance (tuesday I think?) clicked "best seats" and those showed up, while "second best" were back in the middle of nowhere. Well, in such a small place, the "bad" seats aren't really bad anyways. Oh beside me were a couple really friendly ladies, that was nice too. Oh and I ran into Anjanette and Jeff there (Anjanette was one of my closer undergrad classmates), haven't seen them for a few years, so that was cool. After the show I stuck around a bit, and ended up chatting for a while with the director of Pinafore. I've been interested in being involved somehow in amateur theatre (doing who knows what) for a long time, even though I have no skills, but maybe I'll start volunteering in some capacity. Apparently it's kindof a mandate for these groups anyways to get people involved and teach them a thing or two, be it about lighting, or acting, or whatever. So that's a long enough post, you can tell I had a good evening.
Since my income was so low last year, I don't have to pay for health care this year! (well, as long as I don't need any medicine, dental care, or glasses) That's a $528 savings.
I think it's kindof funny that I've been in the new place 10 days already and I haven't yet used the shower here. Wonder if my collocataires have noticed and think it odd. But the first weekend, I happened to shower at home, then I showered at the gym after work on some weekdays, then was in edmonton for the weekend, then back to weekdays gym at work. I think I've spent under 10 waking hours here. But now that classes are over, that'll start going up.