Intermap Christmas Party
Some similar, some different compared to last year. Mingled with various people. Sat mostly with my department, though of course there's only a few in town at any given time. Sat between another RFT who's kindof weird, and a future RFT's girlfriend? sister? I dunno. Discovered another guy in the office who's normally pretty quiet became pretty talkative. His girlfriend didn't seem to be having a very good time though.
Food was pretty good, nothing special. Felt very full though. And it went on very late, food wasn't done till close to 11 pm I think. Then there was the service awards, which is of course kindof boring but there was enough joking that it wasn't too bad.
As always, most people left immediately after the official things were done. And I stayed till the end. It was Kathy, Charles, Steve and Krista. Ernie was away this year unfortunately. Lots of fun though. The alcohol budget wasn't used so they had a whole bottle of port, and then started working on another one. They weren't completely out of it or anything, but did have a funny tie-tying contest where they ended up having real trouble tying their ties. Left around 2:00-2:30.
Yeah not much interesting to describe really, but it was fun.
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