No flight
No flight tonight, so I guess I could've come back today, oh well. Wanted to go out and do something this afternoon, but was waiting for someone for 'half an hour' which ended up being two and a half hours, so it was kindof late. Went to a shopping mall instead, just for the heck of it. Feels like I should be shopping to take advantage of exchange rates and such, but didn't really think of much I want to get. Was walking in the mall, then suddenly I realised "I've been in this mall before!" An ice cream store sparked my memory.
In general this time in portland wasn't as good as the last. Partly cause I was here not long ago, partly had less free time, partly cause the weather wasn't so nice. oh well. I don't consider it a wasted trip, but I don't consider it to have been a very worthwhile trip.
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