Saturday, December 09, 2006


cleaning up the basement a bit, cause it's our turn to host christmas, and it's hard to fit 15-20 people in here. Decided to get rid of an old chesterfield. Was going to take it to the dump. Suddenly I had a brainwave, decided to phone the Drop-In Centre, found out they would take it! I feel so happy. I didn't like the idea of having to throw it away, seems like such a waste. Now someone else can use it instead! Also, it's closer to take it to the drop in centre instead of the dump.


Blogger Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

That's cool. I know there are some problems with donating to the Salvation Army and places like that. We once took a few large bags of used clothes to the downtown shelter and they almost didn't accept it because we're supposed to drop them off at some other location. Just crazy!! They finally did take the used clothes. I wonder why they aren't organized and accepting all these free resources??

1:46 p.m.  

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