Friday, November 17, 2006

Time for a new update

Dropped off my application to JET today... I had kindof procrastinated and was doing everything last minute. It was due today, but at 2 pm I still found myself waiting for a reference letter! But it's dropped off. I feel it's lower quality than last year, even though it's essentially a copy. Maybe that's the problem, I haven't done anything to improve my chances since then. Oh well might as well try.

Received the job offer from UTEC (the houston based one). Have been asking for some clarifications. But I'll probably take it. But it's really hard for me to take such a big step, make such a big decision. Pretty pathetic.

I've noticed lately my blog entries are infrequent and more boring... just general status updates... not many random weird thoughts like I used to. I guess I just don't feel like blogging much these days.

I did start laughing suddenly today as Krusty Burger "Whatchamacarcass Sandwich" randomly popped into my head. But noone was around to think I'm crazy.

Played squash yesterday, haven't played for soo long. Went up with Carmen after work, joined some HKSA people. On the way in I ran into Ryan Fox who I think I was with the first time I ever used my campus rec membership! Between second and third year undergrad, worked at U of C with Ryan and grad student Rob Radovanovic... well work at Uni is pretty slack of course, so one day I joined Ryan for racquetball on an extra-long lunch. Maybe that's why I like racquetball more than squash, it was my first. Or maybe, as Jamie (who became my future racquetball partner) suggested at lunch today, maybe cause it's somehow less... mature... than squash.. and that's why I like it. Get to be more like a little kid. Anyways it was fun to play squash again. Also fun to hang out with chinatown... don't really get to do that much anymore. Don't really hang out with any group anymore really. Maybe I'll have to become an hksa member again and go to more events. but still feels kindof weird... maybe an age thing... like one of the girls there, I'm over 1.4x her age! Kindof feel the societal pressure that I'm supposed to be more grown up. Sure missed that bus (among others). Hmmm that's starting to sound sad so lets end with a happy thought... can't think of something so I'm just going to say "whatchamacarcass" again hee hee "non-diseased meat from diseased animals!"


Blogger Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

Nothing wrong with a general life update. I don't have time to talk/see all my friends so it's nice that if they want, they can catch up on what's going on in my life by reading my blog.

4:31 p.m.  

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