Coincidentally, before reading that PC points thing, I was already thinking of quebec. For some reason tonight was reminding me of my time in Sherbrooke during grad studies. Not sure why. Driving around town, going to the supermarket or restaurants in the evening.
One thing I've found myself missing often lately is when driving home in the evening (from dragonboat or whatever)... I miss having a full car. Not necessarily my car, just being in any full car. Nowadays everyone drives so everyone's by themselves or as a couple. But I liked when less people drove and a group of friends would go places together, like I'd meet siemon and friends at a restaurant and then all go to a bowling alley together in one car. Or even just getting or giving rides home. Well, it's probably not so much the having people in one car that I miss, it's probably what it represents, the going out places with some friends.
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