Monday, August 06, 2007

Still deciding

but better decide soon... what to do with the condo, considering my job.

The major issues:
1) The condo is costing a lot obviously. So it would be nice to have some supplementary income.
2) With a field position, I'll likely be away 60% of the time, and likely more if I don't spend all my non-work time at home. Seems a waste to leave the condo empty.

1) Just keep it to myself. I can do whatever I want with it, don't have to worry about other people treating it bad, or any of the frustrations of living with someone or trying to find someone. But as mentioned, it seems like a bit of a waste, and having something left after paying the bills would be nice.
2) Rent out a room. A good deal for the renter since I'll be away most of the time it'll be almost like having their own place. But, I'd want someone I can trust, not just a stranger, since I won't be able to 'monitor' them. Also, if they're there 100% and I'm there just 30%, it may feel like I'm the visitor dropping in, a little weird. Finally, I'm not sure if I really want to live with a roommate that much.
3) Rent out the whole place. Bring in a bunch more money. But likely more effort finding a renter, and a bit more risk involved. I dunno, I have no experience with it, but it 'feels' like a big thing to do. Have to move back with the parents while in town, not really something I want to do... though I kindof miss 'home' I don't miss the stink and I don't miss the 'status' of living with parents at this age. Instead of moving back with parents, could see if any friends would lend out a room for those shorter periods of me being here, for a rate less than renting a place full time (which would defeat the point), but that doesn't seem very likely.

Well, I think choice 2 is seeming the most likely, kindof a neutral ground. Just have to firm up that decision, and then try to find that 'elusive' roommate I believe I can trust. Better decide soon, school's starting in a month, it's primetime.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when is the big move? Are you going to be around for the Calgary festival?

8:30 a.m.  
Blogger ninjashowdown said...

Big move? I've been living in the condo a while now. New job starts September, though it'll be a while of training before I'm doing field stuff. I will be around for calgary races.

11:55 a.m.  

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