Finished dragonboat practice today, and was hungry.
Seem to always be hungry actually... Today, I had a medium bowl of allbran in yogurt and a medium bowl of vector in milk for breakfast. By lunchtime, I'd gone through an apple, a banana, and two granola bars. Had my usual rice and fish and veggies and orange for lunch, not too big not too small. In the afternoon I had another apple and a granola bar. Went home and was in a rush for dinner so I had a couple toasted crumpets and a ham and cheese sandwich. After dragonboat, being hungry, I had another sandwich. I had at least a litre of water in each of the morning, afternoon, and evening.
I dunno, should I get tested for a tapeworm or something?
Anyways, dragonboat was cool, I steered the semi-comp. Felt soo different from the parents practice. Really smooth when warming up, hardly needed the steering oar at all. Lots of power when called for. I'm not the straightest steerer, but did okay most of the times. Though I could feel if I started to lose it, I wouldn't be able to recover. As it is, I kindof lost it when doing a sharp-ish turn at the end of the lanes. But the boat was doing 100% at the end of a drill. Anyways, still need lots of practice. I'll miss a few sundays, so I'll try to make more other practices.
Steered the comp boat for a loop while semi comp was debriefing. That was nice too, felt so smooth and clean. Though the boat didn't respond when I called left side to check near dock (at least we didn't really need it). Apparently they couldn't hear me (though at least some heard me say "Doesn't feel like 80%" when they were supposedly doing 80%, hee hee). I was trying to be loud... guess I'm just too quiet of a person. If people can't hear me shouting, that would be a problem on race day. Maybe I need to do voice drills.
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