Sunday, July 15, 2007

More talking about it

Friday evening was interesting from the job opportunity point of view too... Japanese village was all japanese-like, it kindof made me more want to go to Japan. But the person I was out with used to be in the field, so he was able to talk about the field position too, kindof made me more want to do that.

I should mention though, although it's stressful trying to decide, these are things I want to do, both are a step up from where I am now. Neither is the 'bad' choice, it's like worrying about choosing the 8/10 instead of the 9/10.

It's kindof interesting too that if I look at my situation as an outsider, I'm like "oh yeah that guy'll choose Japan" but as myself, I can't make that decision.

Early last week, I did let my supervisor and the field position manager that I did have Japan on the table. Neither had really much to say other than "yeah, you've got some good choices and a big decision to make." It's good to know people are understanding, wouldn't be upset about me ditching intermap or think I'm wasting my life for no reason or whatever. Actually, my supervisor seemed on the verge of saying in my position he'd go to japan. In a later discussion, he even said his wife thinks I should go to japan. But he then proceeded to try to sweeten the denver deal. Kindof odd. I guess if I take an intermap position it saves them having to advertise and interview externally, and save on some training, so it is pretty valuable to have an internal person sign up.

To address some comments though... yes, I could always return to intermap after a year away, but the same opportunities would not be around. I've been hoping for a position like this field position for a year or more and this is the first that it's shown up. And in a year they'd more likely be reducing the field staff. For another comment, it's interesting to hear someone suggest I make essentially the opposite choice that they made... though of course our situations are a little different. As for following my dream, I'm not sure which is my dream now, one's kindof my old but formerly strong dream, the other's kindof the newer but weaker replacement dream.

One concern... there is a worst possible turnout... both intermap positions are 100%... JET is not. There's a chance that if I turn down intermap for JET, they might not find a specific placement, and I'd be left with nothing. But that's a pretty low probability.


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