Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Nail in the coffin

I know it's completely and utterly the wrong attitude, but even knowing that, how do I control how I intrinsically feel?

I got the official job offer papers from Intermap, and I happened to be in Transcanada Tower today at lunch, so I went up and told them (JET coordinator) in person that I was withdrawing from JET. Wrote a note for them so they had it in writing. She seemed pretty shocked that I was doing such a thing, and I guess I still am too.

Gotta focus on the positives about the Field Radar Tech position. I'm gonna see a bunch of different parts of the world, living there for a month at a time (though perhaps not deeply interacting with the locals, and working every day not off doing whatever I want). I'm gonna be learning a bunch about electronics, and get to play with some hardware instead of just sitting in front of a computer all day. Being occasionally back here would allow me to keep doing some of the things I enjoy around here, like dragonboat or hiking, though to a lesser extent of course (actually, may be able to hike more if guys like Jon and David are in town, go on weekdays and such). Get to keep my condo for myself (though I am again considering renting the whole thing out and 'moving' back with my parents since I'll be away more than I'm here... hmmm...). During the breaks between work periods, I'll be able to travel, especially if it's somewhere near the work, it's like free airfare. Of course, can't spend all my money on that... Pay is still less than most new graduating engineers will make, but it's still decent, and there's opportunity to make it grow via working extra days or saving money on food while in the field. And I won't be spending money on gas and other stuff as I would here. If I'm lucky and don't have to do much Calgary work, I could qualify for OETC which would save like $8k in taxes. But maybe during some breaks I could do other meaningful things, like help a habitat for humanity project. Then there are other interesting bonuses, like perhaps I will be able to attend Sandi and Andre's wedding without spending thousands of dollars if I'm already in the area. And I'm sure there are some others that aren't popping to mind right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We would love to see you ... but with one condition (as we talked about at DB yesterday) - that you show up in your snazzy uniform!

Just kidding. Still, we'd love to see you there!

11:41 a.m.  

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