Monday, July 09, 2007


Was thinking today about how with JET, I will be making significantly less money, especially since the yen is doing somewhat poor while canadian dollar is doing quite well. Even if I rent out the condo here, I'll still need to put a chunk of money towards it. Plus paying for living in Japan, I may be losing money, especially if I want to do anything fun in Japan. I can handle it as i still have some savings, but still don't really like the idea of spending more money than I'm making.

Denver pays well over twice as much as Japan. But is it worth it? Is $35000 (or more) and more direct 'career' experience and opportunities for advancement worth going to Denver instead of Japan?

Actually looked a little more at exchange rates, kindof neat... Against GBP and EUR, CAD gained recently, but had a fall before that, so it's around it's average over the past couple years. Against USD, CAD had some slow gains and losses, but has been rising fast in the past months. Somewhat similarly, against JPY, CAD gained some in late 2005, then stayed stable for over a year, then since march this year it's jumped over 15%. Having a strong canadian dollar is great, except if you get paid in a foreign currency.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

quit worrying about the money.
just go and do it!
Like I said, you will always be able to get a job at Intermap, but you won't always have a chance to live and work in Japan.


12:33 p.m.  
Blogger Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

Here's the deal. If you don't go to Japan and then regret it later (as will probably likely happen) then you'd better not complain about it to me or publicly on the blog. Otherwise I will definitely hunt you down and give you a kick in the ass!!!!

3:41 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do what is most important, follow your dream!

3:59 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finances can be a problem.

Think it over and don't regret it in the future.

3:37 p.m.  

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