Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Recipe for mid-life crisis?
Step 1) Buy Condo
Step 2) Furnish Condo
Step 3) Leave the country?

Boss wanted to chat a while today. My contract's coming to an end again, and I think he's tired of extending it. Doesn't think I'm being worked to my potential, and wants me to be doing something I want to do. I mentioned about applying to the field tech job, but he doesn't seem to think I'll get it (and I understand, but still have hope). He seems to feel (and I somewhat agree) that perhaps the best position for me is the preprocessing support engg position. One of the big things with this job though is that it's in Denver. So, big decision. If I hadn't just bought a condo here, it would be a bigger possibility. As it is, I knew I might go away and there's the possibility of renting out the whole place. If that's the case, maybe I shouldn't buy any furniture right now. The other thing is, do I really want to move to Denver? I think it's a nice place, pretty similar to Calgary really, but this isn't just going for a few months, or a year long internship, this is a pretty permanent thing. Well, I could always leave for something else if I wanted, though I should give it some time. But, do I really want this kind of job? I'm still not sure what I want. If I don't go for this denver job, there's a possibility of doing something else in calgary office, though nothing really sounded like something I'd want. Otherwise, probably it's approaching the end of my time with Intermap. Maybe I should try again that job I turned down last september? Maybe I should look for random jobs in calgary? (oil company big bucks?) I suck at searching for stuff, and not much seems related to my degree. And not much seems within my capabilities (to do or to learn to do). At least regardless of what happens, I'm likely to have some health benefits for a change, and be making more money (kindof tired of hearing of B.A. friends making as much as my M.Sc., not that I think I'm more capable or deserving of more than they are). Well, we'll see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think positive... you are way too young to have a midlife crisis.

(From the person that had a midlife crisis in her 20's also.)

8:38 a.m.  
Blogger Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

The job market is so hot in Calgary right now... you should be able to find something with your experience and education. It would kinda suck to have to flip the condo after all the pain you had to go through to buy it.

Denver would be a pretty cool place to live though, if you decide to go for it. Apparently there's a Buddhist university somewhere in Colorado... each class starts with a brief meditation session. Would be cool to take a couple classes there.

10:42 a.m.  

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