Sunday, July 01, 2007

First night

Took possession of the condo on friday. Everything seemed as it should be. I didn't have ay furniture or anything though, but decided to spend the first night there anyways. Grabbed a foamy and sleeping bag from home and headed over. Took the tiny tv and my laptop too, just curious about reception and potentially unsecured wireless points. It became quite a sad lonely night actually. First, I think the fairly empty place reminded me a bit about visiting Hua in kelowna during internship... That was a great weekend, bunch of memories still... How I forgot to bring the address but still managed to figure out which was her place on my second try. Going for a walk around the park in the evening. Laying around listening to kelly chen 'paisley galaxy'. Walking around the dragonboat festival area in the evening while the party was going on... noting how I like dance music but don't like dancing. Anyways... kindof miss those sorts of times. Almost never talk to her anymore. The main thing actually was thinking about Diep... mainly cause that little TV used to be hers when she was in Canada. Remembering someone who genuinely deeply cared about me... Anyways I was quite tired and emotions were amplified.


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