Monday, July 02, 2007

Canada Day

Happy Canada Day!

Though, since July 1 is a sunday, I think officially canada day itself (not just talking about the day you take off work) is changed to July 2... but the official wording's a little odd, and noone actually follows it anyways.

But, didn't do anything to celebrate. This whole weekend actually has been busy with buying stuff for the condo, canceling furniture that I realise won't fit and stressing over what I should do with the room, etc. And, some review for that more electrical intermap job application/quiz.

Went for a run in the evening though (10:something). Couldn't find anyone to go with. It was a really nice evening though... need to get out and enjoy more of these. Said happy canada day to any strangers i came across. Generally haven't done much for canada day though. But for two years in a row (a few years back) I was in waterloo... seems a much bigger event down there. I remember taking folding chairs to the park with the lake where the fireworks are set off. Then jogging back to Martin's apartment as soon as it was done to escape the crowds, mocking the massive traffic jam of cars of people who parked foolishly close to event site and now would take an hour to leave. And the best part, discovering that if you're out on the balcony at his place, you can't hear the fire alarm going off inside the building!


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