Sunday, April 08, 2007


Photos are online. I used flickr, so I had to cut the set down to 200. And slideshow disappointingly doesn't display captions. Most photos aren't really that exciting without talking about them anyways.

Thursday: I couldn't resist anymore. After having fresh fruit smoothies with almost every meal for a couple weeks, I only made it to thursday before needing to visit Juice Juice. (Jugo (pronounced Hugo) is spanish for juice, so from now on Jugo Juice shall be referred to as Juice Juice). Actually other things are more painfully hard to resist.

Also Thursday: Did taxes. Want to guess how much I owe the government? hee hee it somehow really amuses me. Hint: it's not quite 5 digits.

Wednesday: Dragged someone to "Yeomen of the Guard" at the pumphouse theatre. I liked "Trial by Jury" and "HMS Pinafore" more last year, even though I had to go alone. This one was a bit less fun and had a sadder ending than other Gilbert and Sullivan stuff. I still really like musicals. Don't think anything will ever beat seeing Miss Saigon in Vancouver. Haha how typical of me.

Gastrointestinal system seems to generally have more issues coming back to a very 'developed' nation than leaving it. Doesn't that say something about our food (and probably my eating habits).


Blogger Olivia said...

I would buy a blender if I were you. Getting fresh juice from Juice Juice daily is quite expensive!

Been reading your blog for a while, thought it's time to contribute to your comments.

9:03 a.m.  

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