Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Can't get it in

I'm talking about contact lenses.

Wanted contacts to wear while scuba diving on vacation. Places have different prices, everywhere wants you to have a fitting and some want to charge you, some don't. I decided to go to superstore, they seemed to have the best price, no fee for fitting, and said I could get a 10 pack of something (rather than 30 packs everywhere else... considering I hardly plan to use them, seemed like a waste). So I had to skip a chunk of the afternoon and go there, and it was super far away. Oh discovered that I'd have to do 30 packs afterall, kindof annoying. After the quick exam thing, gave me a sample to put on and see how does it feel. I spent like half an hour and still couldn't get either one in. I had a trial pair of something a few years ago, and it was hard, but I was able to do it eventually. These ones just couldn't. I think they're less rigid than they used to be, that's part of it. Anyways, decided to give up. Already feeling kindof down, I started thinking "I'm a failure at this too" but tried to kick away that foolish thought. But still kindof grumpy that now I won't have good vision for scuba diving, unless I drop another $100 for lenses for the diving mask which I'll rarely use. I'm already sinking a lot of money into this, considering it's something I'm not that interested in to begin with. Actually, I'm starting to feel that way about the whole trip in general, though I'm sure once I'm there things'll pick up and I should enjoy myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm wearing soft contacts for the next 1.5 weeks, temporarily. And then my glasses on top of my contacts. What a pain... the right eye usually goes in but the left one is taking 10 minutes. Maybe my eyeballs are weird shaped.


8:52 a.m.  
Blogger Silvenwolf said...

Don't worry ... it took me over 5 different trips to the eye doc, plus an hour per visit for me to finally get soft contact lenses in my eyes.

And the week after that getting it in and getting it out was so hard!

The more amusing thing is, I've switched to hard lenses since.

1:31 p.m.  

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