Saturday, April 14, 2007


Got my first ""wet ass from biking" of the season. Yay! I'm sure you needed to know that. Maybe I should get and install splash guards before the rainy season's here. Not like we have much, but I rode on wet roads many times last year and the wet streak up your rear is rather unflattering.

Also encountered one of my pet peeves of bike riding: when I'm at an intersection, and a car stops to let me go. I'm not off my bike at a crosswalk or corner, I'm on my bike in the street. That means I'm following the rules of the road. Sure, stopping to let me go seems like a nice thing, but think about it a little more. Firstly, traffic going the other direction may still be obeying the rules, so I can't just go, so the waiting person might have to wait a while. And more importantly, while they're waiting to try to convenience me, there are several other cars lined up behind them waiting to go. So it may benefit me a little at the expense of several other people. That's why I don't like it. Sometimes it's the thought that counts, but sometimes it's the lack of thought that counts more.

I just watched a mythbusters where they tested how to beat a speed camera. They got to drive a really fast car really fast. Now I'm itching to go drive really fast. I've never actually tried going that fast in my car. I know a friend with the same type got us to 180 pretty easily, with 4 people in the car. Of course, it's probably the electronic limiter not the cars capabilities that will limit it. Oh well, I'm not sure where a straight flat smooth empty (safe) road is around here. And I can totally picture a pothole or rabbit sending me to a world of woe.


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