Monday, December 13, 2010


I went skiing for the first time on saturday. Well, not quite first time, I recall going once with school in grade 5 or something but otherwise haven't done any skiing of any kind. This was cross country with C, S, and S. I figured it was a good time to give it a try, considering it's still fairly early in the season, and C is still on the road to recovery. S was a good teacher, explaining clearly, and offering tips as he felt appropriate.

I feel I did pretty well overall. Fell on hills when I tried to do the 'snow plow' thing to control speed, but did fine on gentler slopes where you simply need balance rather than skill. Going up hills was neither good nor bad.

It was a fairly easy trail to Watridge lake. Took less time than expected, so we decided to go around the lake. Mostly we were near the shore, but sometimes there was open water where a creek entered, so then we went up into the forest to find a better way over it, that was... interesting.

Overall it was fun. I was a bit surprised, since i had low expectations. But I plan to do it again.


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