Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A mystery solved

Ok, I was super excited about this, way more than is warranted, but I don't care. First a little background. Japanese writing has Kanji, Romanji, Hirigana and Katakana. Hirigana and Katakana are alphabets, with the same sets of sounds, but Katakana is used for imported words, while Hirigana is used for japanese words. So, "genki" could be in hirigana, but "konpyuta" would be katakana. I've noticed before, at Japanese restaurants, Ramen is written in katakana, suggesting it's imported. But to me, it seems like a very japanese thing, and besides, there's nothing in western languages that sounds quite like that is there? Somehow, today, I suddenly realized... Chinese! Mein! (egg) noodles! of course. Can even be Ra Mien, though often the katakana is just written as "men" (with no "ra" which confused me). Anyways, like I said, was filled with unwarranted excitement!


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