Another week in review
So, as seen by the last post, the week didn't start out too good. Got sent on a few hours notice to another town to do work that shouldn't have needed doing and that I had no idea how to do. But anyways... met with some hotel management and basically confirmed what the previous guy had arranged. (could have done that by email). Tested the internet speed in the rooms. Didn't really know where to start regarding the airport, so I just drove to the airport, saw a sign for some management and drove to a security gate. Security guy didn't really know what to do with me, so he called someone who came out and met me... he was familiar with my situation from the previous guy. Answered a few questions and most importantly gave a few email addresses and phone numbers. I'm still suspicious whether the manager here already had an email address from seeing forwarded emails from the previous guy, but oh well. Sent some emails and waited. Heard back some prices and forwarded it on. Suddenly, it all became for nothing, as the prices were approximately 20x what they are in adelaide, for inferior facilities. And with the ongoing difficulty dealing with them, the entire plan to move to that airport was scrapped. Time to go home to adelaide.
Well, I'd made plans to meet a friend by that point, and with a bad weather system moving through the region canceling our acquisition flights, I decided/asked to stay for a couple more nights. Wrapped up work things, then spent a day on the "Great Ocean Road". Unfortunately didn't make it as far as I hoped (the 12 apostles) as I was a bit tired that day, but I did see a lot of beautiful coastline, and wander around a couple fern-filled hikes and waterfalls. So deep and so green, the air smelled so wonderful, it was great! The weather was overcast and showering on and off throughout the day which put a bit of a damper on things, made trails muddier/slippier and made us wetter, but also put less visitors on the road/trails. Got dark on the drive home. With eerie dim light, passed through "barrow downs". Did not encounter any barrow-wights.
Returned to Adelaide. Despite being tired from poor sleep and an early flight and no room to check in, and despite the cool overcast sky and periodic heavy rainfall, went for a hike with a couple coworkers. It was good, except for getting quite soaked. My jacket's not really waterproof, and the umbrella becomes useless when the rain is traveling sideways. Would probably do a "mary poppins" if I opened it on some of those cliffsides. But was still pretty fun.
Guess that's it for another week. Seems I have some more free time because of stormy weather, but I'm less inclined to go out and do outdoors stuff in the stormy weather.
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