Monday, October 16, 2006

A general update

For jobs, haven't heard back from anyone. I continued some away-from-here applications including norway, denmark, and nova scotia. I "followed up" with Singapore and Netherlands so many times without receiving any actual answer (even a "no we don't want you" would've been worth something) I guess I won't bother with them anymore. Dr. Cannon got me in contact with some company based in Houston, but I'm not sure I actually want that job, even if I don't have to move there. Intermap's radar operator job will hopefully be on the table soon, though who knows if that'll come through. My current contract ends in 6 weeks, not sure if intermap will want to extend, not sure if I will want to extend.

The summer is pretty much over now, and with it many activities ended. I stopped doing my "soldiers of fitness" group exercise thing at the end of august. Dragonboat ended some weeks ago with the Kelowna race and later the wrap-up dinner. And hiking looks like it is over for the season, only did one in the last 6 weekends.

So fall activities have started. I'm in a continuing ed french course again. But it's much less fun than last time. The class itself, as well as the students. I didn't sign up for Japanese again since the price increased and I would miss at least 1 of the 10 classes. I took a wilderness first aid course last week tues/thurs/sat/sun. I signed up for a swimming course to refresh my memory of some things and improve, but the university just cancelled it on me, and the other courses about the same time are full so I'm quite annoyed about that.

My hair has returned almost to the "going to africa" length.

My lungs have returned almost to the "blackened crap" state. (though direct observations are unavailable)

Think that's about all for now.


Blogger Silvenwolf said...

Heh, if you were based in Denmark, it'd be highly likely that Andre and I would visit you now and again. :)

12:23 p.m.  

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