Sunday, January 15, 2006

Footsteps 2

Thinking of creating the sole footsteps in the snow, I'm reminded of being a grad student in CCIT, and sometimes after a major snowfall I'd usually be the first one around, at least the first one to leave by the unalarmed fire exit that everyone uses since it's closest to mac hall, and I'd be the first to walk through the snow from the door to the parking lot. And from that point onwards, every single person to leave the building that way would follow in my exact footsteps. I had such power! If I had chosen to walk 30 cm to the right of where I did, dozens of other people on dozens of trips would all also walk 30 cm to the right!

Maybe that's why when they finally installed some stairs there, stripping me of my power, I resented it and proceded to continue using the hill beside them instead. Stupid stairs.


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