Saturday, January 14, 2006


While I was writing that last post, I discovered the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie on TV!!! Just had to watch! I saw it the first time many many years ago, with Tim Murphy, at Market Mall. Amazing that I can remember something like that. Or like thursday after Jan drove me home, I realised that she has seen my house before, around 7 or 8 years ago, we were at the university in the evening during exams I think, and Greg gave me a ride home and it either was raining or had just rained and there was white stuff on crowchild and Greg didn't like it whatever it was (and I didn't either), and after dropping me off somehow Jan moved from the back seat to the front without even exiting the vehicle. How can I remember those sorts of things when there are so many more important things that I've forgotten?


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