Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My Hero

I made a terrible mistake! I called my bike the "African Champion." It's actually the "African Hero", Evelyn's bike is the "African Champion". What an insult, the champion's only a major piece of crap while the hero's an enormous piece of crap.

Anyways, finished work yesterday, yay! Some of the equipment is in such bad condition... I want to do the "office space" photocopier/fax machine scene on it. So now I'm doing a bit of touristy stuff nearby, and hanging out at BFMS, then I will start the travelling Monday when Julie leaves. I'm sure time will start going faster once I'm travelling.

Received a swiss army knife (with field experience!) from Evelyn as a 'completed work' gift, it's great!

My mind's drawing a blank, not sure what new exciting stuff to talk about, so I guess I'll go 'home'.


Blogger Silvenwolf said...

That sounds like an awesome gift!

So tell me... have you tried it out on some unsuspecting blades of grass yet?

Sigh, if it rains any more in Calgary I'll have to bring in fake palm trees and pretend it's the jungle. Where's my sunshine?

Btw, they're trying to recruit people this year to dragonboat in Sylven Lake - I think Sheldon's looking for 10? more people or so. Wonder if he'll find them?

8:30 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's not a knife, that's a spoon!

Ah, I see you've played knifey-spooney before!

7:16 a.m.  

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