So, we've layed off people, and moved people into other groups, so there's 3 RFTs left. And how many do we need? hmmm...
Well I just started in california (plus the little I did before), relieving J. The plan is for me to finish here after about a week, then go to Malaysia, which requires two, me and K. Meanwhile, there's something in texas, and the last little bit of the US in Carolina, so I assume they'd cut up J's time-off to have him fill in for those bits. So a month after K and I start malaysia, it's time to handover... but who to? There's only J. And he's barely had any time off. Meanwhile, about that same time, australia's supposed to start. So, three of us will be needed, but all three of us will be due for time off. Does that mean we'll be pulling like 9 week work rotations? Excellent planning.
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