Friday, September 28, 2007

Leaving monday

All a little sudden... This morning it was decided that I'm heading out monday for training and work. So, lots of last minute rushing about. Need to get a laptop and have it set up. Need to get someone to make flight and hotel and car reservations. Bigger issue, need to get a US work Visa. Need to ship some hardware. Figure out what else I need to do to prepare to go.

I hadn't expected to go for a couple weeks, but I guess that's the nature of things now, pretty dynamic. Had a few events planned that I'll miss out on, too bad. Also, better clean out my office, it will no longer be my office by the time I get back, which feels a little sad.

Anyways, first stop Grand Junction CO, second Bridgewater VA, third maybe Portland OR. Yeah Portland wouldn't be bad. Hopefully on future rotations I get to go to more interesting places, but I guess being close by in more familiar situations is better for the first time out.

I should enjoy it.

Oh by the way i have a work-issued cell phone now. I am to become a cell-phony. Talk to me to get the number. I can use it for personal stuff when in calgary, but shouldn't really for long distance. I was in safeway today, and the person in front of me in line gave their phone number instead of showing their safeway club card (as do I) and it sounded like a cell number, and I thought of immediately calling the number. If I have to have a cell phone I might as well try to use it for evil, right? Hopefully the main result of me having a work cell phone in the field isn't so I get work calls at 2AM (or possibly make work calls at 2AM, which isn't any better).

PS if you use skype, let me know, I'll probably be using it.


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