Sunday, January 28, 2007

Super Trio

Went to the HKSA super trio party friday night. It was a tough decision between that and seeing a movie with Evelyn & people, so in the end it came down to a coin toss. I knew some people there, but the environment and other people were very welcoming. I joined with Richerd and some others, and named ourselves 2by4! Yeah, the two whiteys in the whole room happened to be on the same team, along with 4 chinese. I made sure to point out that 2by4 could also be the gender ratio of our team. Anyways, before we even started any events, the teams had changed, but our awesome name stuck. By the end of the night, after lots of fun games (charades type stuff, watching then acting out movie/tv/game scenes, memory games from scenes, guessing distorted songs, etc fun stuff), 2by4 was the winner! Yay!

Hmmm my description doesn't make it seem as fun as it actually was. I had a really good time though! Carmen was the main organizer and host of the event, and she did a great job.

Lets see, other fun stuff... Ralph showed up and tried to poison Richerd. He sure made it seem like an accident, an innocent offering of some candy, which happened to contain coconut which Richerd is quite allergic to! I think people had been telling Ralph how similar to Richerd he was, and he decided there could be only one.

Saturday night was pleasant too, went to Geoff and Evelyn's, along with Chirlene, played mah jongg... None of us is really that good or experienced, and it took our combined knowledge to figure out a set of rules which we believe is correct :) Teamwork! After Chirlene left, played Wallace and Gromit, a cute fun X-Box game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time Scott. We've barely scratched the surface of that W&G game. We've finished less than 20% of the tasks so far. At the rate we're going, it will take Geoff and I over a year to finish the game!

10:04 a.m.  

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