Saturday, January 06, 2007

Making friends

Why is it so hard to make friends? I've always put people first, ahead of things like school or sleep. I joined many things alone: undergrad, internship and work, grad studies, VSA, HKSA, JCC, TaiChi/Temple, Dragonboat, Ballroom Dance, Explore, SoF, hiking group at work, continuing ed classes... and after every one of them I was still alone, no new friends to exist outside that specific activity, with the one exception of ballroom where i actually gained a couple of my closest friends (though one of them since moved on.)

So is it a losing strategy? Or should I expect a very low success rate, and be happy with that rare success? Maybe just continue trying things, and hopefully get lucky again sometime.

What about these people who meet new people and pretty soon those new people are calling them up and want to do stuff with them... how does that happen? How do I get to be like that? Am I just like really really rediculously boring? Or do I look too unapproachable (though once someone meets me I can't imagine them thinking that anymore) (someone a friend knew once said I look 'threatening' haha!)

Creativity, that's probably the key. That would make a much less useless employee, and should help make people want to associate with me. They'll say, "Scott, he's pretty fun/interesting, I think I'll give him a call." So, how to foster creativity. I don't know. Need creativity to have ideas for creativity? Maybe I'll get a "Dr. Ho!" massage therapy and stick it to my head and see what happens.


Blogger Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

I think you need to be more positive in order to have more friends. Few people are attracted to negativity. So I think you'll find that if you foster a more positive aura you'll attract more friends as well.

It worked for Geoff. Shortly after he started having a more positive outlook on life, he met me! :)

3:28 p.m.  
Blogger Silvenwolf said...

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12:24 p.m.  
Blogger Silvenwolf said...

For some of us, we're just really busy with life at the moment.

It's not that we have forgotten you, but inside 2 weeks we have a roadtrip to Edmonton to pass off some sponsorship stuff from my company to bro's Space Elevator project, wrap up work projects, and get ourselves ready for our trip.

12:24 p.m.  

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