Saturday, June 05, 2010


Wish I hadn't volunteered to wake up for the second sortie. I was in the middle of a dream, it was like a movie, and had just reached the climax.

I was in some kind of theatre, old fashioned, like a concert hall. I was on the main level, with my coworker. Our mechanic was on the second balcony on the left hand side (as facing the stage/screen). I think we were watching a movie. I think the building under/behind the mechanic was actually warping and moving, not sure if it was a special effect of the movie, or something 'real' in my dream. Anyway, I was there because there was some sort of crime or anomaly (maybe related to the warping building) that had happened before and was going to happen again. As the time approached, I glanced up and noticed our mechanic was no longer there. Soon after, on the main level in the shadows at the left side, I saw our mystery man. Seemed to have a dark hat on, perhaps a cape or a mask, I'm not sure. I jumped up and started to pursue him, he ran. Through some doors, I followed, but immediately found myself in something of a maze. I had scouted it before, but apparently it had changed or I remembered it badly. Through the door was a small hallway with a door on almost each side. I started trying them all. Rush through one to find a storage room, rush through another into another small hallway. Most must have been linked with multiple doors. One took me into the back of an electronics department store. Just as I was getting my bearing on which way the bad guy must have gone, an alarm started blaring! I looked toward the source, and all was dark. It took a few minutes for my heart rate to return to normal.


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