Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dreams can come true

but generally it's pretty unlikely.

Kelsey Grammer (I don't know why, I'm not even a big Frasier fan) was apparently some external project manager type person for our company. He was just tasked with killing Project Manhattan (the project I'm involved in) so he came to me to try to find some good excuses to end it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap, I just realized bloglines hasn't been notifying me of your posts... so I had a bunch to catch up on. Anyway, that's pretty cool about Kelsey Grammar - and I thought I was cool for getting David Hyde Pierce's autograph at Spamalot (Niles). Oh, and I spend anywhere between $200 and $500 on groceries in a month, for 2. Large variance due to variability in frequency of restaurant-going.

9:53 a.m.  

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