German restaurant
Arrived in Friedrichshafen this afternoon and shortly after headed to a restaurant that the copilot had been raving about ever since he was here for a short time a month ago. The waitress was so friendly, I was like "I'm in love!" Obviously not really, but she was really cool and seemed down to earth, chatted when she had a moment, and the fact that she was nice and smiled put her above pretty much everyone in Spain. Seems like a fun person.
The restaurant was really good! Of course the beer would have been really good too if I liked that sort of stuff. (the pilots loved it). And the atmosphere and design of the place was really neat, I really liked it! I'm sure we'll be back.
The temperature is only a few deg C, which isn't so hot, but it feels crisp and clean.
There are real forests here! Deciduous trees don't have leaves, but there's no snow on the ground except in the hills/mountains, and there's even some green grass.
Took a short walk after I got back from the restaurant. It was cold, I had to return and grab my touque (yes even though I was only planning on being in the meditteranean, I brought my touque). It kindof reminded me of that really cool place near portland I mentioned a few months ago.
If you couldn't tell, overall it feels really good to be out of Torremolinos/Malaga/Spain, and be here. But I'm still a bit tired and want to come home sometime soon. The fun young pilot is leaving tomorrow, but the pilot who remains is pretty good. One mechanic is quite old but a great guy, the other is middle age and isn't the greatest to be around, but they'll be quite busy I think. I don't know how my schedule will go, but I don't actually have a lot to do. Haven't decided if I'll rent a car, haven't decided how much I'll try to get Intermap to pay for, haven't decided much of anything really :)
By the way, as my next rotation is likely in adelaide, I'm thinking of heading down a couple weeks early, see some australia or new zealand. Anyone want to join? (yeah I know most readers of this blog can't, but might as well ask)
Carrie H is in Oz... just not sure where, maybe you could go visit.
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