Monday, November 28, 2005

First Day of Work

didn't start off too well, with me waking up and realising my alarm clock was set to PM not AM!! But I had still woken up early enough, glad I never got in the habit of sleeping in late. After a little rush around the house, headed to the bus, and saw it drive by about a block away. I decided to run although it was virtually hopeless, but I was lucky some slow people were getting on the bus. I don't mean slow like this was a short bus, it was a regular bus, they were just taking their time embarking. As for actual work, well I suppose most first days are like this... Get to look around the office some more, fill out some paperwork, start reading some documents. I was getting so tired by the end of the afternoon though, felt a little familiar from times I've had a real job before. But maybe I'll sleep a bit more tonight, and once I start doing stuff hopefully I'll feel a little more lively.


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